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Carson City Fire Station + EOC

Project Facts


Under Construction

Projected Year of Completion



15,000 SF


Carson City, Nevada


Carson City Public Works

TSK is providing professional services for Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Drawings, Permitting, and Construction Administration for the new 18,000 SF Carson City Fire Station, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), secondary Public Safety Communications Center/Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), and I.T. Central Office which will be located on Butti Way. This comprehensive facility provides consolidated services on an expanded site area of the existing city campus.

The facility will include the following:

  • Fire Station of approx. 1,000 SF

  • I.T. Offices of approx. 5,000 SF

  • E.O.C. of approx. 2,000 SF

  • Outbuildings including trash enclosure, generator enclosure

  • Expanded Public Parking and Secure Staff Parking

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