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Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School

Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School is a prototypical design adapted and scaled to the needs of each community. Of primary concern in the design of the prototype was creating a welcoming environment with a focus on visibility and safety for staff and students, as well as providing a dynamic place for learning. 

The 90,371 SF school was designed to serve a 720-student population and is composed of a 62,345 SF first floor with special programs, administration offices, multi-purpose room, kindergarten and maintenance areas. The heart of the school is the library. This two-story, light-filled volume engages the 28,026 SF second story which is composed of secondary grade level classrooms.

With each site adaptation, pedestrian safety, clear vehicular and bus circulation drive the adaptation of the cruciform plan to the site. Student drop-off, bus drop-off and staff/administration parking are separated to reduce congestion and enhance traffic flow.

Project Facts


Construction Complete

Completion Year



90,371 SF


Henderson, Nevada


Clark County School District

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