Port of Long Beach
Project Facts
Construction Complete
Completion Year
Pier A: 25,000 SF
Pier G: 47,000 SF
Pier T: 37,800 SF
Long Beach, California
Port of Long Beach
2005. AIA Long Beach/South Bay Citation Award: Terminal Gate Complex
2005. American Council of Engineering Companies Honor Award, Terminal Gate Complex
2005. Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors of California Golden State Award
2004. Industrial Perforators Association Award
2003. Gold Nugget Award
2003. Metal Architecture Award, Container Terminal Canopy
2002. Harbor Association of Industry & Commerce Certificate of Excellence
2001. AIA Long Beach/South Bay Merit Award: Container Terminal Canopy
Pier A (Administrative Building) - This 175-acre shipping container terminal, owned by the Port of Long Beach, was built to suit the tenant’s needs, Hanjin Shipping. The gate/administration building is a three-story steel frame building. The third floor houses the corporate offices of the shipping company including reception area, offices, open office space, conference rooms and break room. The second floor houses the terminal operator’s offices, conference room, computer rooms and control room. The control room clerks monitor the entry and exit of trucks entering and exiting the terminal. As many as 3,000 trucks a day enter and exit the terminal with containers. The first floor houses terminal operation functions including offices for yard managers, dockworkers check-in, and drivers’ trouble office. Other structures include truck check-in canopy, terminal security building and driver’s service building. The gate complex design increased the efficiency of the truck check-in process by nearly 50 percent. Through collaboration with Hanjin Shipping, TSK understood the operational process and successfully designed a terminal in response to the shipping company’s goal of increased productivity. Compared to Hanjin’s previous 40-acre terminal, Pier A had a 60 percent increase in lane number with a 138 percent increase in container movement. This exceeded productivity resulted in Hanjin Shipping to meet its five-year goal in two-and-a-half years. As a result, Hanjin Shipping decided to increase capacity and relocate to the larger terminal Pier T, requesting TSK to improve efficiency and environment.
Pier T (Administrative Building) - One of the largest containerized cargo-handling facilities in the world, this shipping container terminal is on a former US Navy shipyard and the first mega terminal (380 acres) built by this port. The design team designed the truck canopy to provide shelter for lane clerks, yet designed with a profile that promotes dispersion of fumes from the diesel motors left idling. The gate building at this terminal duplicates the functions of the previous building and sheathed in smooth metallic finishes that are easy to maintain and resist the accumulation of grime from diesel fumes and sea spray. This project addressed the stringent physical and functional requirements of a massive industrial facility without neglecting its users. Through thoughtful design, a highly efficient complex and pleasant work environment are merged together to accommodate both terminal employees and truck drivers who use the terminal.
Pier G (Administration; Operations; Maintenance/Repair; Western Arrivals Buildings) - This 47,000 SF, narrow plate administration building was designed to optimize natural lighting and emphasize sustainable environmental controls. Each of the four elevations reflects the differing solar conditions it faces. The east and west elevations are shaded from the low rising and setting sun angles with vertical Briese Soleils fabricated from woven metal fabric. The design of the Briese Soleils restrict 50 percent of the sun’s rays while allowing unobstructed views. The south elevation features horizontal windows outfitted with window shelves to shade lower windows, while reflecting light onto the ceiling through higher windows. The north elevation is a fully glazed window wall system that allows ambient light to fill the building all day. The first floor houses a training room, security office and offices for employees to deal with inbound and outbound truck drivers through exterior walk-up windows. The second floor houses the human relations and accounting departments for the shipping company plus information technology department that manages and develops all computer-processing systems for the shipping company’s terminals worldwide. Corporate offices are located on the third floor. The design team carefully selected building construction materials to maximize recycled contents and reduce use of virgin material resources. The 30,000 SF operations building is the hub of a super-efficient container terminal. Here is where longshorepersons check-in and plan container movement and storage from ship to yard, yard to train and yard to truck. Carefully designed circulation patterns and naturally lit spaces highlight the design of this building.